Learn how to keep your festival spray tan in tip top condition!
There seem to be so many festivals around at the moment so I thought I'd put together a little to-do list for all of you free spirits so you know how to keep your spray tans looking fabulous (as, let's face it, there will be some mornings that you'll be relying on your tan to make you look fresh as a daisy!).
Drink LOTS of water; more than you usually would as I'm sure there will be a little alcohol passing your lips. A dehydrated body will mean dehydrated skin and that's not great for the longevity of your spray tan.
Moisturise each morning using a good hydrating moisturiser (nothing too oily as this will strip your tan; stick to lotions and milks).
If using sun screen, ensure you use a water based one and not an oil based one (as this will prematurely fade your tan).
Use a tan extender to ensure your tan is kept in tip top condition.
Have fun! Spray tans love it when you dance a lot and sing at the top of your voice! (not really but you will feel great doing it!).
I hope this blog has given you some help to plan your trip away. Please follow me on Instagram (@ThatSprayTanPlace), Facebook (That Spray Tan Place - Gold Coast) and Twitter (@ThatSprayTanPla) for more top tips.
Please call to make your next booking or book online.
Speak soon, Nic 0414 399 701 nic@thatspraytanplace.com.au
